Basic Listening and Conversation : Checking into a Hotel


Checking into a Hotel

Catatan Penting: Tahukah Anda bahwa, satu satunya cara untuk mendapatkan Fluency (kelancaran dalam bahasa Inggris adalah dengan cara banyak mendengarkan, kebiasaan Mendengarkan Audio berbahasa Inggris akan mengantarkan kepada Speaking Fluency, biasakan mendengarkan (Listening) dari topik yang sederhana dan dilakukan terus menerus (Pengulangan), saat listening, kita juga sudah belajar Pronunciation, Grammar, Kosakata, dll - Good Luck

Desk Clerk : Welcome to the Peachtree Plaza. Do you have a reservation?
Alex : Yes, I do. I’ll be staying for two or three days.
Desk Clerk : What is your name?
Alex : Alex Smith.
Desk Clerk : Are you here for business or pleasure?
Alex : Could you please speak more slowly?
Desk Clerk : Is this a business trip or just a vacation?
Alex : Both, actually.
My uncle died recently in Atlanta. I’ve come to take care of his estate.
Desk Clerk : I’m sorry for your loss. We’ll make your stay here as worry-free as possible.
Alex : Thank you.
Desk Clerk : We have room 758 reserved for you. Will you be paying with cash or a credit card?
Alex : A credit card. Here it is. What’s the rate?
Desk Clerk : $129.00 per night. There’s also a complimentary continental breakfast. I need to make an imprint of your credit card.
Alex : How do I get to my room?
Desk Clerk : Take the elevator on the right to the seventh floor, and turn to your left after you exit the elevator. The room will be on your right. A bellman will bring up your bags.

Vocabulary, Spelling And Pronunciation

Welcome : Menyambut
Worry-free : Bebas dari kwatir
Stay : Tinggal
Reserved : Reservasi
Business : Bisnis
Pay : Membayar
Vacation : Liburan
Rate : Tingkat
Recently : Akhir akhir ini
Continental : Benua

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