Seven Wonder of the World
Can you name the Seven Wonders of the World? I can’t. That’s because only one of them is still around today. That’s the Great Pyramid of Giza. Some of the other wonders sound great. I wish they had survived. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon sounds amazing. So does the Temple of Artemis and the Colossus of Rhodes. Today, there are different wonders of the world. No one can really agree what the wonders of the ancient world are. Experts include Stonehenge, the Panama Canal, the Great Wall of China and Machu Pichu in this. And then there are the seven wonders of the natural world. These include Mount Everest, the Great Barrier Reef and the Grand Canyon. Maybe future wonders will be in space.
- Name : Memberi nama
- Amazing : Luar biasa
- Seven : Tujuh
- Temple : Candi
- Wonder : Keajaiban
- Really : Benar benar
- Because : Karena
- Agree : Setuju
- Only : Hanya
- Ancient : Kuno
- Sound great : Kedengaran grit
- Include : Termasuk
- Wish : Ingin, mau
- Future : Masa depan
- Have : Memiliki
- Wonderful : Hebat