Basic Listening and Reading : Teaching (Mengajar)

1 minute read

Teaching (Mengajar)

Teaching is one of the most important jobs in the world. Even though it’s so important, it isn’t very well paid. Teachers don’t get a lot of money. This is surprising because most governments say education is their top priority. Teaching is also one of the world’s most stressful jobs. I read somewhere it was in the top ten. I wonder if teaching is fun. I like teaching people things. I taught my younger brothers and sisters loads of things. I suppose teaching as a teacher is different. You have lots of classes to teach and lots of homework to mark. I think all of my teachers at school loved teaching. I was lucky. They did a good job at making their subject interesting. I think teaching is probably quite difficult.


  1. Teaching : Mengajar
  2. Even though : Meskipun
  3. Job : Pekerjaan
  4. Get : Mendapatkan
  5. A lot of : banyak
  6. Educate : Mendidik
  7. Education : Pendidikan
  8. Educator : Pendidik/Guru
  9. Top : Puncak
  10. Stressful : Stres
  11. Read : Membaca
  12. Fun : Menyenangkan, Kesenangan
  13. Funny : Lucu
  14. Younger : lebih muda
  15. Elder/Older : Lebih Tua
  16. Brother : Saudara laki Laki
  17. Different : berbeda
  18. Differ : Membedakan
  19. Difference : Perbedaan
  20. Homework : PR
  21. Interesting : Menarik
  22. Lucky : Beruntung
  23. Luck : Keberuntungan

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