Basic Listening and Conversation : Asking for Directions


Asking for Directions/Menanyakan Arah

Note: Salah satu cara belajar sebuah bahasa adalah dengan banyak mendengarkn, kebiasaan Mendengarkan Audio berbahasa Inggris akan mengantarkan kepada Speaking Fluency, biasakan mendengarkan (Listening) dari topik yang sederhana dan dilakukan terus menerus (repetation), saat listening, kita juga sudah belajar Pronunciation, Grammar, Kosakata, dll - Selamat Belajar

Agent : Good morning. Can I help you?
Alex : I’m trying to figure out the best way to get to Washington, D.C.
Agent : Are you driving or flying?
Alex : I’m driving. My car’s parked outside.
Agent : You have two options. The first is to take Interstate 85 north through Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.
Alex : What’s the other option?
Agent : You could also take I-75 north through Georgia into Tennessee. In Tennessee, you pick up I-81 which will take you into Virginia. You then take I-66 to Washington.
Alex :Is there a difference in distance between the two?
Agent : I-85 is somewhat shorter, but it’s not as scenic, and there’s usually a lot more traffic.
Alex : How do I pick up I-85 in Atlanta?
Agent : Just head north on the freeway until you reach the I-285 beltway. Then follow the signs.
Alex : By the way, do you have any information about the Washington, D.C. area?
Agent : Sure. Here’s a packet of brochures. Do you need a hotel reservation?
Alex : No thanks. I’ve already made one.

Vocabulary, Spelling and Pronunciation

Figure out : mengambarkan
Difference : Perbedaan
Driving : Mengendara
Shorter : Lebih pendek
Option : Pilihan
Scenic : Indah/permai
Interstate : Antar negara Bgn
Reach : menggapai
Through : selesai, terus
Signs : Menandai

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