Names of Animal you should memorize well

1 minute read
Names of Animal

Inilah nama nama binatang yang harus kamu ketahui dan hapalkan, coba ekpresikan dalam kalimat.

This is an ant, the ant is black, black ant, the birds are singing, the butterfly is beautiful and smooth..

  1. Amphibi = Ampibi
  2. Ant = Semut
  3. Antelope = Antelope
  4. Ape = Kera besar
  5. Bat = Kelelawar
  6. Bear =Beruang
  7. Bedbug =Kutu Busuk
  8. Bee =Lebah
  9. Beetle =Kumbang
  10. Bird =Burung
  11. Bird of paradise=Burung cendrawasih
  12. Bluebottle=Lalat hijau
  13. Bookworm= Kutu Buku
  14. Buffalo =Kerbau
  15. Bulbul =Kutilang
  16. Butterfly =Kupu-kupu
  17. Camel =Unta
  18. Cat = Kucing
  19. Caterpillar= Ulat
  20. Catfish =Ikan Lele
  21. Centipede =Kelabang
  22. Chameleon =Bunglon
  23. Cheetah =Cheetah
  24. Chicken =Ayam
  25. Chimpanzee =Simpanse
  26. Church bird =Burung gereja
  27. Cockatoo =Kakatua
  28. Cockroach =Kecoa
  29. Cooing bird =Burung kukur
  30. Cow =Sapi
  31. Crab =Kepiting
  32. Cricket =Jangkrik
  33. Crocodile =Buaya
  34. Crow =Burung gagak
  35. Deer =Rusa
  36. Dinosaurs=Dinosaurus
  37. Dog =Anjing
  38. Dolphin =Lumba-lumba
  39. Dove =Burung Merpati
  40. Dragon =Naga
  41. Dragon Fly =Capung
  42. Duck =Bebek
  43. Dwarf Buffalo =Anoa
  44. Eagle =Elang
  45. Eel =Belut
  46. Elephant =Gajah
  47. Escargot =Bekicot
  48. File fish =Ikan gergaji
  49. Firefly =Kunang-kunang
  50. Fish =Ikan
  51. Flamingo =Flamingo
  52. Fly =Lalat
  53. Flying White Ant=Laron
  54. Fox =Rubah
  55. Frog =Kodok
  56. Girrafe =Jerapah
  57. Goat =Kambing
  58. Goldfish =Ikan mas
  59. Goose =Angsa
  60. Gorilla =Gorilla
  61. Grasshopper =Belalang
  62. Guinea Pig =Marmut
  63. Hawk =Burung rajawali
  64. Hen =Ayam Betina
  65. Hickey =Cupang
  66. Hippopotamus =Kuda Nil
  67. Horse =Kuda
  68. Insect =Serangga
  69. Jellyfish =Ubur-ubur
  70. Kalibri =Kalibri
  71. Kangaroo=Kangguru
  72. Kitten =Anak kucing
  73. Komodo =Komodo
  74. Leech =Lintah
  75. Leopard =Macan tutul
  76. Lion =Singa
  77. Lizard =Kadal
  78. Lobster =Lobster
  79. Louse =Kutu
  80. Tiger =Harimau
  81. Whale =Paus


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