Basic Listening : Joe's First Car
- Joe is 18 years old.
- Joe works at McDonalds.
- Joe saves all his money.
- Joe has $2500.00 in the bank.
- He wants to buy a sports car.
- Joe starts to look for a new car.
- Joe looks in the newspaper.
- Joe looks in magazines.
- Joe finds a car he likes.
- Joe goes to see the car with his dad.
- He really likes it.
- Joe doesnt have enough money.
- Joes dad tells him to keep saving his money.
- Joe wants this car a lot.
- Joe asks his dad to help him.
- Joe and his dad make a deal.
- Joes dad will lend him the money.
- Joe must work hard.
- He must pay the money back to his dad.
- Joe is very happy.
- Joe owns his first car.
"People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built." Eleanor Roosevelt